July Dig In newsletter

The July edition of Dig In – the CVS Community Food Growing project’s newsletter – has just been published!

Read it here.

Show What You Grow 2016

The recent celebration of school gardening in West Lancs was a great success, with over 65 green fingered children from 10 schools took part.

The event was organised by the CVS Community Food Growing Project in conjunction with West Lancs Allotment Federation and West Lancashire College, and was funded by Upholland Tawd Vale Lions.

Read the report here.  Click on the pictures below to view the gallery.


One West Lancs Forum – July 2016

Over 150 people from 68 public, private and voluntary sector organisations attended the third One West Lancs showcase event on July 6th 2016 at Edge Hill University.

Local voluntary, community and faith sector (VCFS) organisations were given the opportunity to showcase their work, and there were information stands and plenty of opportunities for networking.

The programme for the day included presentations from a range of speakers and the full report can be found here.

Useful links from the day:

Well done to Timesavers!

Well done to local charity Timesavers who have just been awarded £10,000 from the Big Lottery Fund.

Timesavers was set up by a group of parents who were concerned about the lack of paid jobs or work experience placements in administration for people with moderate learning difficulties in West Lancashire. The grant will fund sessional workers, travel and office materials.

Edward McCarthy, Trustee and Secretary of Timesavers, says “Our charity aims to help overcome barriers to employability by supporting people to gain further skills and work experience in all aspects of office work such as using computers, photocopying, filing and improving their communication skills.

Timesavers is looking for help from local employers to provide unpaid office work experience for their clients for just a few hours per week.

Please contact Edward at westlancsedward@btinternet.com or
visit www.timesavers.org.uk

Rally Round