Promoting the Living Wage in West Lancashire – Nov 4th event

The Living Wage campaign began in East London in 2001 when parents found that despite working multiple minimum wage jobs, they were struggling to make ends meet. They decided it was time to fight for a wage they could live off, instead of just survive.

Since then, the campaign has won the accreditation of over 1,600 employers. This adds up to over £210 million in extra pay and over 40,000 people lifted off the poverty line.

But there is lots more to be won: foodbank use topped 1 million for the first time this year and inequality remains entrenched across our economy.

You are invited to a local Living Wage campaign event on  

Wednesday 4th November

10am to 12.15pm

Evermore HUB Community Centre,


The aim of the event is to raise awareness of the Living Wage in West Lancashire, to celebrate successes, and to formulate ways forward, such as identifying levels of pay in West Lancs.

There has never been a more crucial moment to strengthen the movement for Living Wages: the Chancellor’s new minimum wage premium for over 25s (‘national living wage’) has created potential confusion between the rates.

It’s essential that we protect the idea and purpose of a real Living Wage, pinned to the cost of living and calculated independently.

For more information or to book a place e-mail Paul Bunyan at Edge Hill University or Helen Jones via   

For more information on the Living Wage Campaign, go to:

CVS Quarterly Bulletin – Sept 2015

The CVS Quarterly Bulletin for September 2015 has just been circulated.  Read it here.

Show What You Grow 2015 – report

School children from all over West Lancashire celebrated their growing achievements recently at the ‘Show What You Grow’ 2015 festival of school gardening.

Over 72 green fingered children from 11 schools brought school grown produce, homemade scarecrows and magnificent displays of drawings, paintings and photos of their gardening work to the event at West Lancashire College on July 8th.

The event was organised by the Community Food Growing Project of West Lancs CVS in conjunction with West Lancs Allotment Federation and West Lancashire College, and was funded by Upholland Tawd Vale Lions.

Read the report here.


One West Lancs newsletter – June 2015

Read the latest edition of the One West Lancs newsletter here.

One West Lancs Forum

One West Lancs held its second Forum & West Lancashire Showcase on 13th May 2015 at Edge Hill University. The theme of the event was ‘Tackling Poverty and Inequality by creating opportunities for all’ and 126 people from 60 organisations across the public, private and voluntary sector attended.

The presentations, displays and films included:

  • Professor John Diamond, Director of Institute for Public Policy and Professional Practice at Edge Hill University (I4P) – on the challenge faced by all sectors working to reduce inequalities
  • Hugh Evans, Deputy Chief Executive, North & Western Lancashire Chamber of Commerce – on the West Lancs Economy
  • Karen Thompson, Consultant in Public Health, Lancashire County Council, on behalf of West Lancashire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) – Health Inequalities in West Lancs

To read their presentations, go to:

A number of community groups gave ‘Shout Outs’ on their work at the Forum event and these are outlined in the June edition of the One West Lancs newsletter:





CVS wins awards