GDPR training and resources

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will start to be enforced from May 25th 2018 and this has a number of implications for voluntary sector groups.

A number of you have asked whether we can provide training on GDPR so we have arranged a training course for Wednesday 28th March 2018 (venue to be confirmed). There may be a small charge for this but we will confirm this when we know how many are attending. Limited numbers are available so please book quickly to avoid disappointment. To book a place please email Jill Bradley or call 01695 733737.

For more information and resources about GDPR, please see our new information page.

Lancs LGBT Quality Mark awarded to CVS

We are pleased to report that West Lancs CVS has achieved the Lancashire LGBT Quality Mark. The Quality Mark is designed to help measure how well an organisation is meeting the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans service users, volunteers and staff.

For more information, including its benefits and the cost, see

Find out the latest on the Tawd Valley Masterplan

Residents can find out the latest on plans to make Tawd Valley Park an even better place for people to enjoy.  Members of the public with an interest in the Tawd Valley and how it might be developed are invited to attend. The event will be held on Thursday 18 January at West Lancashire College Skelmersdale, starting at 7pm and refreshments will be available from 6.30pm onwards.

The working group set up by West Lancashire Borough Council to deliver an exciting scheme for the Tawd Valley will outline progress being made.  Other presentations will include feedback on the detailed consultation held by Groundwork and West Lancs CVS over summer 2017 and the resultant Masterplan for the Tawd Valley prepared by Groundwork, complete with proposed costings and works.

Council staff will then outline plans for the funding and phasing of the work required which is anticipated to start in April 2018.

The Council is working with a number of partners on the scheme: Groundwork, the Environment Agency, the River Douglas Catchment Partnership, SHARES and West Lancs CVS.

The ambitious masterplan includes:

• New cycle paths
• New wetland habitat areas
• Improvements to the amphitheatre to create an informal event space
• Creation of a heritage trail
• New picnic spaces close to the town centre
• Access and improvement work to footpaths and landscapes

There is also potential for a new visitor centre, new play area and a BMX track as well as a fishing lake.

The Council is eager to work closely with the community on this ambitious project and is looking for a Friends of the Tawd Valley to be set up. This group would act independently of the Council, and provide input into the project at all levels – from the initial planning to the final delivery phases.

For details on the draft proposals contained in the Masterplan please visit, where people can also give their views on the Masterplan and how the Tawd Valley can be developed. Comments must be received by the Council by midday on Monday 15 January.

To sign up to join the Friends group, please visit:

CVS AGM / funding information event

The West Lancs CVS Annual General Meeting / Funding Information Event is being held on Tuesday 27 February 2018 at Evermoor Community Hub from 9.30am (registration) until 1.30pm.

The event will focus on funding opportunities for the voluntary sector with presentations from 6 external funders:

  • Children in Need
  • Heritage Lottery Fund
  • Key Fund
  • John Moores Foundation
  • Lloyds Bank Foundation
  • Whitemoss Community Fund

and will include information from two new funders:  Eric Wright Trust and the Halsall Foundation

If you would like to reserve a place / an information stand at the event please complete the booking form.

CVS training programme 2018

The new 2018 training programme has just been published.  Find out more here and book your place today!

Tawd draft masterplan

Following six months of local consultation, the draft Masterplan for improving the Tawd Valley Park in Skelmersdale is now available to read.

The ambitious masterplan includes:

  • New cycle paths, wetland habitat areas
  • Improvements to the amphitheatre to create an informal event space
  • Creation of a heritage trail
  • New picnic spaces close to the town centre
  • Access and improvement work to footpaths and landscapes

There is also potential for a new visitor centre, new play area and a BMX track as well as a fishing lake.

You can find the Masterplan here on the Borough Council’s website.

Have your say by emailing comments to:

The closing date to submit your views is 12 January 2018.