Shaping Care Together – Have your say

West Lancs CCG needs your views to help inform Shaping Care Together, a new engagement programme run by NHS leaders in Southport, Formby, and West Lancashire, which looks at new ways of working and delivering health and care services in the local area.

Shaping Care Together builds on the national NHS Long Term Plan and wants to help patients get the right care in the right place, at the right time.

Find out more about the programme by visiting, where the significant challenges facing us in the future are outlined.

The webpage also has a link to the survey, which gives you the opportunity to tell them your thoughts. They would particularly like to hear your thinking on what they could do to improve the care provided to patients in the following key areas:

  • Care for the frail and elderly
  • Care for those who need urgent or emergency treatment
  • Care for children
  • Maternity care for pregnant women and new-born babies
  • Care relating to women’s reproductive and urinary systems (gynaecology)
  • Sexual health care
  • Planned care (for example, outpatient appointments)

Alternatively, you can also get in touch via email,

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